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071 987 1518
  • Bakhoele LL Consulting is a 100% black owned, with level one BBBEE status.
    It provides professional services which are aimed at improving service excellence
    in the Build environment and its staff compliment is made up of
    committed professionals with a passion to see a positive shift in the industry
    through its quality services. Our goal is simple, analysing client expectations and
    user needs and providing the best service there is on projects with our engineering
    solutions and capacity building with our structured mentorship.
  • Our Strategy
    Through our niche services in construction science solutions, mentorship and
    training, Bakhoele LL consulting has set itself the objective of shaping the future of
    service delivery to meet stakeholder expectations, client objectives that will
    promote sustainable development while ensuring safety to our communities and
  • Mission Statement

    To realise our clients’ expectations through built
    environment consultation and moult them into reality.


    Connecting through service excellence inspired by quality products and meeting
    end user needs.

About Us


Bakhoele LL consulting was created to be the corner stone that promotes built environment excellence through project management, engineering designs, contract administration, quality education and mentorship. The business was developed after identifying our specific client needs within the construction sciences industry. We understood client concerns in delivering projects and developed a model that closes the gap. Our inhouse skills and competencies in managing projects, skills gap analysis, training and mentorship, risk management including health and safety and environmental management has taken us to the fore front through our comprehensive response to our client needs.

Company Pillars:





Meet Our Team


Our Managing Director


Managing Director

BTech Civil Engineering

PrTechEng (ECSA)



Outcome-based assessor: NQF Level 5

Labour Intensive Construction: NQF 5 & 7 (CETA)

Our managing director has over 15 years of experience in both construction and consulting businesses. The combination of these has set him to be a well-rounded professional with both backgrounds and in his solutions to the built environment he is well versed in aligning project management, design requirements, and construction. He has vast experience working on various infrastructure projects including, road projects, building projects, engineering designs, and structural designs, project management and contracts management. He has intensive experience in professional services contracts, construction contracts, and intensive knowledge in risk management as a construction professional. Along side this knowledge, he has in depth knowledge of contractor development programmes, SMME mentorship, and Contract Participation Goals management. He has developed frameworks and policies for various clients to streamlines their internal processes to best practice.

Contract Icon Contract Management
Project Engineering Icon Project Engineering And Project Design
Project Engineering Icon Project Management
SMME Icon SMME Skills Assessment and Mentorship
Project Engineering Icon Structured ECSA and SACPCMP professional registration mentorship
Project Engineering Icon Conduct Outcome based Assessments

Our Services


Years of combined experience
in the business

Why Choose Us


We are a service provider that is customer centric and end user requirements savvy. We always promote excellence and stakeholder satisfaction by adding value in all our services.


Road to registration
as a prcpm or as a prcm

14-22 January, Online Webinar

About The Event

About Event

The practical steps to equip the next generation of
built environmment professionals.

No Upcoming Events

Get in touch

+27 71 987 1518
+27 79 376 9745
95 Zwartkop Rd, Prestbury, Pietermaritzburg 3201
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Business Hours

8am to 4pm weekdays only

All queries on calls and WhatsApp should be done only within the business hours and will be reponded to within 24 hours.